URGENT: Carnival Volunteers Needed

UPDATE (9:00 pm): Thank you Mission Family for stepping up in a big way, the Carnival will go on as planned. We are at over 65% of volunteers needed. More volunteers are still needed, but modifications can be made to combine booths to allow for the event to continue. See you all Saturday!!!


Mission Families, it is with sadness in our hearts that we have to announce that our annual Fall Carnival is in serious risk of being cancelled. We know our families lead busy lives and have many obligations to juggle, but without your help we cannot run the Festival. We currently have only 68 of 187 volunteer spots filled to run class booths. Some classes have no volunteers signed up at all. If we do not get a majority of those slots filled by Wednesday at 5 pm, we will have to cancel the Carnival portion of the event. We know this is an event our kids look forward to, so we really appreciate you volunteering an hour of your day to help out.

The Volunteers Sign Up:

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