Don’t forget to SMILE this holiday shopping season!!

Do you shop on AMAZON? Well…now every time you place an order, the Mission PTA can earn money to support student programs!

To use Amazon Smile; log in as you would normally, designate Mission Avenue Open Elementary PTA as the group you are supporting and then proceed with your order. It’s that simple. The more items we order, the higher the percentage of the sale Mission receives. (Please note: “If you previously designated the “Mission Avenue Support Team” as your charity, please make sure you update it to Mission Avenue Open Elementary PTA.”)

Just remember to go to EVERY TIME you shop with Amazon. If you use Chrome, the SmileAlways extension makes it even easier by automatically redirecting all pages to

While Amazon Smile isn’t available on the mobile app (except in beta testing in limited markets), you CAN add items to your cart using the app, then visit to complete your purchase.

Happy Shopping!

Pass this information on to friends and family and let’s give our kids’ school a gift this holiday season and throughout the year!

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